Monday, November 3, 2008


Whether anyone likes it or not, tomorrow the face of this great nation is about to change forever. It doesn't matter who gets elected, it's just a matter of how much damage is incurred in the process. Personally, I fear the '04 election may have been the last peaceful transfer of power. As I see this election, it's Hitler vs. America, and I'm not saying which is which. For those of you who did your homework, it should be readily apparent. For those who didn't, Those who cannot remember the past are damned to repeat it. Neither Candidate is great, but you have to take what you've got. Either way, it's an improvement. So please, if your candidate doesn't win, it's probably for a reason. You still live in this country, so whether you believe in divine right, democracy, or a combination of the two, whatever happens tomorrow, probably happens for a reason.

"We must all hang together, or we will surely hang apart."
-Ben Franklin

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